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Welcome to

The Smell & Taste Clinic!

The Smell and Taste Clinic is a clinic dedicated solely for the diagnosis and management of Smell and Taste Disorders. It is also the one place where a clinical team takes a personal interest in the long-term well being of each patient. We are one of few clinics in the country to offer a complete and dedicated treatment option for Smell and Taste Disorders. Few physicians are trained to diagnose and treat these disorders, and even fewer understand the seriousness and impact that these disorders may have on patients life.

Treatment – and beyond, for us, is about making a real life difference. It means becoming a partner with our patients as their lives shift and their Smell and Taste dysfunction needs shift with it. It’s about establishing a continuum of care that connects the treatment to the patient at every stage of the their condition.

Our patients age can range anywhere from 7 to 90, so we have left no stone unturned in our approach to Smell and Taste Disorders. The emphasis at our Smell and Taste Clinic is on helping each patient find his or her own balance between lifestyle adjustments, medicinal therapies and alternative treatments. We know it is through a combination of these practices that patients gain personal power over their Smell and Taste dysfunction.

Most of our patients are referred to the clinic for Smell and Taste dysfunction evaluation by family practitioners, otolaryngologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologist, pediatricians, maxillary and oral facial surgeons, and dentists In fact, this is a unique clinic with a patient referral base that includes most of the U.S.

The great thing of our specialized clinic is that it is made for patients with Smell and Taste Disorders and we can give patients different resources to manage their condition. Our clinical staff takes special interest in the long term well being of each patient. We want to be your advocate. Our goal is to help you navigate the treatment of your Smell and Taste dysfunction and to give you tools so these devastating disorders do not control your life.